
What is orthodontics?

Word origins: Greek “orthos”, meaning straight and “odontose”, meaning teeth. It’s a medical specialty whose goal is to prevent or correct dental or skeletal imperfections. The orthodontist treats adults as well as children. The development of this specialty has been possible thanks to medical advances and technology that is increasingly discreet.

Is this a fashion or a real need?

Orthodontics is especially a real medical need. The treatment establishes better chewing and facial harmony. It develops muscular and respiratory balance and eases swallowing as well as speech. Orthodontics is also concerned with aesthetics. A beautiful smile reinforces psychological wellbeing, improving social interaction for children as well as adults.

Do you use the latest techniques in orthodontics?

The traditional techniques that are used most often have proven that they work and achieve satisfying results. Our office has chosen to excel by applying the most recent techniques (Damon, Incognito, Invisalign) that guarantee excellent results with more confort, more discretion, and less time.

Is treatment uncomfortable?

All medical treatment can cause, according to each patient’s level of sensitivity, some discomfort, although it is minimized by the latest technology. Discomfort is normal, especially at first, because moving the teeth changes the previous balance. Adjusting to the braces generally happens quickly. Aesthetically, the braces are so common for teenagers that they have become a necessary rite of passage to adulthood.

How does the treatment work?

Your first appointment. The orthodontist evaluates your request and answers it according to its therapeutic value. Only medical considerations (age, the age of the teeth, symptoms) can determine the best moment to begin treatment, which could be immediate or differed, short-term or longterm, according to your situation.

Are the treatments personalized?

While respecting your wishes and your primary dentist’s wishes, the most modern techniques will be used to guarantee the best possible result. From our first contact and throughout follow-up visits, our actions answer therapeutic needs and aesthetic requirements. Our treatment scrupulously follows recommendations of the Council of the Order of Dental Surgeons in order to protect the patient’s desires.

Is the follow-up permanent?

Des imprévus peuvent survenir en tout lieu et à tout moment, un arc peut se rompre, une attache orthodontique peut se décoller. Si vous êtes à proximité, le cabinet vous reçoit immédiatement. Si vous êtes éloignés, nous vous recommanderons le praticien le plus compétent au sein de notre réseau national et international de correspondants.

What is the cost of treatment?

If orthodontic treatment is begun before the age of 16, it is covered by French State Health Insurance (Assurance Maladie), following a written agreement from your insurance branch (Caisse d’Assurance Maladie). Our rates are available to you and all treatments begin with a detailed estimate of costs. More

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